Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center

SIOETC(Shandong) International Ocean Engineering Training Center. Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center.

Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center

SIOETC(Shandong) International Ocean Engineering Training Center. Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center.

Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center

SIOETC(Shandong) International Ocean Engineering Training Center. Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center.

Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center

SIOETC(Shandong) International Ocean Engineering Training Center. Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center.

Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center

SIOETC(Shandong) International Ocean Engineering Training Center. Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center.

Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center

SIOETC(Shandong) International Ocean Engineering Training Center. Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center.

SIOETC international Ocean Engineering Training Center

PADI Diving Center Operation Certification, CDSA Diving Center Operation Certification, GWO China Committee Member, OPITO Training Center Certification...

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Certificate Issuance and Skill Training

International standard maritime safety training, international standard water survival training, international standard fire protection basic training and international standard hydrogen sulfide (H2S) protection emergency training....

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Full Set of Professional Simulation Units

Search and rescue system, lightning simulation system, HUET simulator, mobile mounting system, wind system, water treatment system, rain and fog simulation system....

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Provide All Kinds of Standardized Training on Safety, Emergency, Rescue, Survival, etc.


Renewable energy




Oil & Gas


Introduction of Training Center

Shandong International Offshore Engineering Training Center was established in 2018 as a joint-stock international standardized safety training center, a state-owned private mixed ownership enterprise, which is located on the shore of Bohai Sea and Laizhou Bay. Weifang Sendamei Port is adjacent to the national first-class open port. Combining the international advanced training experience, training courseware and management experience, the Center dedicated to serving China's "the belt and road initiative" Basic National Policy has been certified by many international and domestic organizations: OPITO Official Certification Training Center of Offshore Oil Industry Training Organization, GWO Official Certification Training Center of Global Wind Energy Association, PADI Diving Center, CDSA Diving Center, etc. The Center is also a member of China Emergency Management Society, China Offshore Alliance and China Diving and Salvage Industry Association.

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  Profession Service

We Provide Professional Training Services

Engaging in certification, skill training, and training on promotion requirements of marine resources practitioners, so as to improve the safety, environmental protection and survival skills of personnel at sea, and improve the accident survival rate and rescue success rate.

International Standard Fire Protection Basic Training

The purpose of this course is to provide guidance on fire fighting and self-rescue skills, and how to survive in the face of fire and smoke emergencies. According to OPITO fire fighting basic standard, popularize fire fighting knowledge among students and master the use of fire fighting equipment; And learn and practice escape skills in smoke and dark environment.

Helicopter Water Rescue Training

According to the SAR Lifeguard Course Syllabus, to understand the procedures of helicopter water rescue, lifeguards need to have flexibility, strength and endurance, and can sail for 30 minutes in strong wind. They must also have emergency medical skills. Students will learn the skills of water survival and master the use of equipment and technology in helicopter water rescue.

Helicopter Underwater Escape Training

Participants will acquire basic working knowledge about helicopter safety and emergency evacuation technology, and master the use of equipment by providing special training required before and during flight.

International Standard Urban Earthquake Rescue Training

After completing the course, students can use basic rescue strategies and basic rescue techniques to perform search and rescue work in narrow environment and simulated rubble. After studying and issuing the basic training certificate of earthquake search and rescue.

International Standard Aquatic Survival Training

The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge about life-saving rescue skills, as well as guidance on how to survive in an emergency, and how to communicate news, contact rescuers and use appropriate safety systems and methods.

International Standard Oil Spill Emergency Training

This course provides the characteristics of oil spill accidents and emergency technology teaching according to IMO I II III standard; Students should master the use of oil spill response tools and related application techniques.

International And National Standard Diving Training

Students will learn 24 basic skills of open-water divers and conduct multiple trainings in professional pools and open waters; Eventually train the trainees to become divers.

International Standard H2S Protection Emergency Training

Ensure that trainees have a good knowledge of the special hazards and properties of H2S, and take appropriate emergency response measures in case of H2S-related events.

Training Facilities

Full Set Of Simulation Unit Training Facilities

Training Scenario

Training Videos And Images

Here we shall endeavour to build the top-class ocean engineering training center.

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Meet the international multi-organization standard
certification, cultivate in China, and meet
the global high-end maritime engineering industry customers.

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